Studio Steve

This website hosts content created by Stephen West, technical artist and Unity programmer.

God of Sand

The current build of the game was developed in the fall of 2016 at the University of Texas at Dallas. Download here.


God of Sand is a 3D action platformer in which the player uses a grappling hook as their primary means to maneuver through vertically stacked levels and slay otherworldly giants. When the player reaches the boss arena, they discover lumbering beast they must defeat with a combination of platforming and their blaster rifle. When enraged, the monster delivers powerful attacks, however unless provoked it is disinterested in fighting, forcing the player to act as the aggressor. When a boss is slain, players should feel as though they have committed a necessary evil, proud of their accomplishment but sickened by the brutality they have committed against their docile enemy.

Gameplay: The player has access to their grappling hook and blaster rifle simultaneously. Their weapons are not restricted by their movement, allowing for smooth gameplay. The third person camera gives the player a wide field of vision in order to keep bearings on their own location and those of enemies.

Level Design: The environment was created with vertical elements in mind to take advantage of the grappling hook and grant the player the thrill of battling enemies while haphazardly flying through the air.

Environment Art: The environment has a near-future design with a mixture of earthly and alien flora and fauna. This was done to increase the contrast between the elements present in the environment such as organic aliens with saturated colors against cold, hard edged human architecture. Stark contrast between dark, cool colors, to bright, warm colors are used to signal the transition from the safety of the subterranean starting area to the hostile desert wastes above.

The Team

Creative Director
Stephen West

Game Designer
Hannah Drury

Adam Carr
Mike Li

Kevin Co
David McCullough
Jesse Slater

Level Design
Alex Chan

Concept Art
Lauren Sullivan
Luis Ruiz

Character Art
Nathan Prop

Amanda Ramsey
Nick Benke

Joe Porritt

Andrew Ward
Ernesto Ayala

UI/UX Design
Tanya Trisna

Sound Design
Mark Lopez
William Dougherty (Boss Battle Music)