Studio Steve

This website hosts content created by Stephen West, technical artist and Unity programmer.

Digital 3D Art


God of Sand

The current build of the game was developed in the fall of 2016 at the University of Texas at Dallas. It is available here :

Gameplay: The player has access to their grappling hook and blaster rifle simultaneously. Their weapons are not restricted by their movement, allowing for smooth gameplay. The third person camera gives the player a wide field of vision in order to keep bearings on their own location and those of enemies.


Environment Art: The environment has a near-future design with a mixture of earthly and alien flora and fauna. This was done to increase the contrast between the elements present in the environment such as organic aliens with saturated colors against cold, hard edged human architecture. Stark contrast between dark, cool colors, to bright, warm colors are used to signal the transition from the safety of the subterranean starting area to the hostile desert wastes above.


Push and Pull

Main website :

The current release of Push and Pull is available for download here :

I worked as a character and environment artist, responsible for the main cast of characters and the game’s fifth level. The game’s ominous tone is offset by the bright, bubbly designs and animations of its characters.

Level 05 is set in an expansive boiler room.

Level 05 is set in an expansive boiler room.



The VRGE project is a medical therapy game funded by Zina Trost and made for the University of Alabama. The game is intended for patients suffering from severe chronic back pain. The game makes use of the Xbox Kinect to track players' hands as they assemble colony buildings on a distant planet by "hand."

The art style is simplified and bright to create an inviting, comfortable atmosphere for those undergoing therapy.


Where Grass Should Not Grow

This upcoming short film explores the consequences of intense paranoia and fear.



In my role as an environment artist, I created environments in a “brutalist” art style to convey an oppressive aura. Over-sized buildings and gigantic exposed industrial equipment are ever-present, as is the Panopticon tower itself looming over the player.

The development blog by the lead environment artist can be found here :